- CHUMoodle 目前已經與校務資訊系統(學生資訊系統、教師資訊系統…等)帳號密碼整合,因此只需要修改校務資訊系統的密碼,CHUMoodle 的密碼就會跟著改變。
- 建議同學入學之後,至少要修改一次密碼,以免遭有心人士盜用,造成重大損失。
- 如您是畢業生,已無法修改密碼,請您密碼改輸入身份證字號,即可登入。
CHUMoodle is currently integrated with the University Information System, including the Student Information System and Faculty Information System. Therefore, the CHUMoodle password will automatically update when you change the password in the University Information System.
It is recommended that all students change their password at least once after enrollment to prevent unauthorized access, which could lead to significant consequences.
For graduates who are no longer able to change their password, logging in with your ID number as the password is required.
密碼修改流程如下: (The process for changing the password is as follows:)
1. 請先登入「學生學習歷程資訊系統」(網址:https://student2.chu.edu.tw/)
Please log in to the "Student Learning Portfolio Information System" (URL: https://student2.chu.edu.tw/ ) first.
2. 點選左下方【密碼修改】,就可以修改您的密碼了!
Click on "Change Password" in the lower left corner to modify your password!